Smart Services

ICT has a significant potential to contribute positively to climate by eliminating the need for physical products or activities through smart solutions and improved efficiency.


Smart Services

In 2012, ICL took part in a new ICT industry report that provided analysis of how smart use of communication technology in many parts of society can contribute to a 16.5% reduction in global greenhouse gas by 2020. This is equivalent to more than seven times the ICT sector’s emissions in the same period.

The SMARTer 2020 report is the result of cooperation between Boston Consulting Group (BCG), the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) and twelve dedicated international ICT companies, including ICL Group. The original SMART 2020 was produced in 2008, and provided analysis of how ICT could address problems in society, including the threat of climate change. In 2012, the projections for ICT’s impact are even greater than the original 2008 estimates.

The SMARTer 2020 report demonstrates the increasingly important role of ICT in working towards the prevention of global warming due to the emission of dangerous greenhouse gas. Video conferences, smart building management, cloud computing and smart electrical grids are all examples of solutions that contribute to reduced carbon emissions.

The SMARTer 2020 report identifies six sectors that can reduce emissions through ICT solutions: power, transportation, manufacturing, consumer, agriculture and buildings. Seven countries were studied in the report: Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, India, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Smart services from ICL

As a leading mobile player, ICL Group has a significant role to play in providing innovative solutions and shaping the future, low carbon society.

ICL`s contribution is realized through smart use of communications, specifically upgrades to the existing voice and broadband services as well as developing new solutions related to Machine-to-Machine (M2M) technology and “Internet of Things”-based solutions.

ICL offers M2M technology that enables their business customers to provide better service, reduce costs, improve productivity and enhance the quality of life for many people. Together with our partners we play a key role in the development of smart solutions and efficient use of M2M technology.

ICL Connexion, fully owned by the ICL Group, has been a market leader in Europe’s market for M2M services across such typical markets as logistics, fleet management, car safety, healthcare, and smart metering of electricity consumption. The company was established in 2008 and originates from the successful M2M business in ICL Sweden. Today, the company continues to grow and innovate, finding smart solutions for everyday challenges. Building on more than 15 years of experience, the company makes it easy to realize the value of connected services. Together with industry partners such as Volvo, Nissan, Scania, Hitachi, Verisure and Telcare, ICL Connexion has designed smart and innovative connected solutions deployed across the globe.