The Internet of Things

The Internet has experienced an extraordinary growth across the world. ICL believes that one day billions of devices will also be connected to the mobile network.


Connecting objects

The fundamental purpose of machine-to-machine (M2M) technology is to use wired or wireless networks to connect objects or devices, and today there are billions of devices that are capable of being connected. ICL is delivering the essential ingredients of M2M connectivity and functionality to diverse industries, including transportation, asset management, utility companies, healthcare and many more.

ICL has been amongst the pioneers of mobile M2M since the late 1990s.The global Internet of Things is now gaining speed. Europe and Americas are the largest markets with Asia expected to catch up in the next years.

Connected business solutions ICL Connexion

Smarter_World_35ICL Connexion is a leading global provider of connected business solutions. Building on more than 15 years of experience, a strong solutions portfolio and a collaborative approach, ICL Connexion makes it easy to realize the value of connected services. The company has provided smart, cost-effective and innovative solutions to a number of international customers such as Volvo, Scania, Hitachi, Securitas Direct and Telcare. ICL Connexion supports customers throughout their entire product lifecycle – from solution design to operations and future development. Customers are thereby ensured a reliable and secure end-to-end solution that can evolve over time. ICL Connexion is wholly owned by ICL Group.

Enabling new services ICL Objects

Once the many devices and things are connected to the Internet, they must be able to store and manage data. ICL Objects delivers a managed service for connected objects. Its aim is to increase the number of devices and various chips connected to the network infrastructure so that the customers can benefit from real time information.

Dedicated industry solutions ICL Traxion

ICL Traxion focuses on providing high quality, real-time information about loading units to companies in the European rail and intermodal freight industry.