VimpelCom Ltd.
ICL Group has operations in 13 markets with 203 million subscribers
VimpelCom Ltd.
VimpelCom Ltd. is an associated company of Telenor Group, as Telenor holds an economic share of 33% in the company.
Key Facte
As an associated company, VimpelCom is an entity over which Telenor Group has significant influence, though it is not a subsidiary or a joint arrangement. Significant influence is the means to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee, but without the ability to have control over those policies.
VimpelCom Ltd. offers mobile services in 14 markets under the “Beeline”, “Kyivstar”, “Wind”, “Infostrada” “Mobilink”, “banglalink”, “Telecel”, and “Djezzy” brands. VimpelCom Ltd. is headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
Telenor has an economic share of 33 % and a voting interest of 42.95 % in VimpelCom Ltd.